NESS K-6311B
- Flexible 8 Zone control panel & Dialler.
- The Ness D8x is the most versatile Ness 8 zone control panel ever!
- The D8x is available in Led keypad or LCD keypad models to suit any preference.supplied with keypad, plug pack, battery, telephone lead, housing and manuals.
- Panel & Siren Kits include the control panel complete with keypad, plugpack, battery, plus external horn speaker, siren cover, strobe light and internal screamer.
- Choose your detectors from the Ness Quantum range.
- Easy and convenient to order control panel and sirenkits.
- Pre-packed for shipping.
- 8 Zones + Tamper
- Onboard 3 Door Access Controller
- Auto-Time Control via onboard Real-Time Clock
- Optional Radio Interface for integrated wireless security
- Onboard Vibration Sensor Analyser
- Multiple programmable EOL resistor values from 0k to 22k
- 4 programmable auxiliary outputs
- Direct Connect or Dial-up programming via NessComms™
- Contact ID and VOICE reporting dialler
- Remote control of outputs via telephone
- Up to 56 User Codes (PIN, RADIO KEY or PROX CARD)
- Box dimensions: 235w x 300h x 90d mm.
- Plug pack 240V Ac, output 17V Ac@1.4A.
- Power supply 13.8V Dc @ 800mA.
- Quiescent current draw 80mA with 1 keypad.
- Operating voltage 9.5V– 14V Dc.
- Rechargeable battery 12 volt 7.0 Amp/hour sealed lead Acid.
- Battery charging current 350mA maximum, current limited.
- Dynamic battery test backup battery is tested under load, hourly and on arming.
- Fuses:
- 2 Amp auto resetting / siren output & reset output.
- 500mA auto resetting / 12 volt auxiliary outputs.
- 200 mA auto resetting / strobe output.
- Zone inputs: 8 2 x 24hr tamper inputs.
- End of line resistor choice of 12 programmable values including N/c. Default 2200 Ohms (2.2k)
- Maximum keypads: 3.
- Radio Header multi-pin connector for the Ness radio Interface.
- Serial Header serial data port for direct connect programming using Nesscomms™ software. Also 2 way serial data (V5.6+)
- Reader Header: multi-pin port for connecting up to 3 Ness proximity access card readers via 106-012 Weigand Interface.
- Siren output: on board siren driver with timed output maximum 3 x 8 Ohm horn speakers.
- Strobe output: 12V Dc timed output. maximum 2 x 1 Wattstrobe lights.
- Reset output: 12V Dc timed output. max. 3 x 12V piezo screamers.
- Equipment power output: 13.8V Dc output for powering detectors and other equip-ment. maximum 500mA.
- AuX Header: multi-pin connector provides outputs Aux1,Aux2, Aux3, Aux4, 12V Dc.