Helpful Support
If you need help with an order or have any questions about products in our online store, please get in touch by giving us a call 0490 777 033 or email [email protected] which includes your phone number as some questions are easier answered on the phone. If you call and we don’t answer, please leave a text or message, and we will respond with a text or a return call ASAP.
We provide TV Antennas, Satellite TV equipment, accessories, and related products all across Australia, from Sydney to Perth, Darwin to Tassie, and everywhere in-between.
In fact, we have agents in all states so delivery will be fast. If you need help with an order or have any questions about products in our online store, please get in touch by giving us a call, or email [email protected] which includes your phone number as some questions are easier answered on the phone.
If you call and we don’t answer, please leave a text or message, and we will respond with a text or a return call ASAP.